Looking for Scion Wood? List & Order Form are ready!
Thank you for asking about scions! Orders for 2024 will only be accepted from December 1st, 2023 through January 31st, 2024. Please wait until December to place your orders.
If you are looking for specific varieties to add to your orchard, looking at our available scions, TOC Scion List 12-2021, might bear “fruitful” results. Once you have found the varieties you would like, download the Scion Order Form, fill in the details as directed, and mail to TOC’s address on the form. Please understand that many of our trees are still very small and therefore we won’t be able to cut scions from them for a few more years.
Requests will be filled in the order they are received. Shipment will begin following the closing date.
We will soon be taking orders for grafted trees. When that time comes, we will have another form available here for those orders.
Fruit is not yet available.